Saturday, September 23, 2006

Well...finally got my ass off the couch...and started doing something. Yesterday was my first rugby practice. I am twice as old as the rest of the team...but I'm also twice as big.....they tremble at my approach....and stand in awe in my wake. My blog, my lies.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Why? friend "H" tried to kill herself with an overdose of pills. She suffers from cancer, an idiot husband, and low self esteem. I sit her, waiting to hear word from her half way across the country, and realize that eventually she will be gone. I want to believe there is something after, some where for her to go..... but I cannot fool myself. I want to believe in a God and a heaven, or re-incarnation, or even ghosts, so that when she is gone, there will be something left of her. But the fact is, when we die, thats it. It's over. There is no white light, no judgement, no reward and punishment. Life would be easier if I could swallow the lie of religion, but damn it..... I cannot delude myself. FUCK!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I'm back

Stonehenge pun intended.