Thursday, June 01, 2006

I think....that things are finally starting to turn around for me. My emotions seem more in control, and I even allowed three drunk idiots to survive the other night at the Shock game (allthough the more I think about it, the more I regret that decision). I am even to the point were I can trust myself around people again. God I so hated feeling like that. To P....thank you for listening..... and to S....thank you for sticking it out, and thank you for your love. I'm not worth it....but I'm glad you did/do.


S said...

soft smile. I'm glad to have you back. Back into my life and back into my arms.

BigOso said...

to be honest....I am still suprised you would want me back

S said...

Maybe I need to explain to you what love is?

Anonymous said...

Anytime you need a listening ear you just let me know. I told you I was there for you if you needed me. You would do it for me so not another thought about it. Good to have you back...

BigOso said...

Love is BLIND!